Promoting Excellence, Fostering Reading Culture, and Navigating Economic Challenges: A Meeting with the Chairman of Unique Schools

The academic community at Unique Secondary School gathered for an auspicious meeting on Thursday, September 28, 2023, marking the beginning of the 2023/2024 academic session. Led by Chairman Engr. Felix Atume FNSE, FAEng, mni, and attended by the school's dedicated proprietress, Mrs. Juliana Atume, this meeting laid out ambitious academic goals and introduced a unique initiative to promote a reading culture among the teaching staff.

Highlighting Excellence in Academic Pursuits

One of the key focal points of the meeting was the review of the last academic session, where Chairman Engr. Felix Atume emphasized the importance of improving the academic performance of students. This commitment to excellence in education was underscored by several strategic goals, including enhancing staff-staff relationships, fostering collaboration through teamwork, and encouraging participation in various academic competitions.

Inspiring a Reading Culture

Chairman Engr. Felix Atume's visionary leadership was evident in the introduction of the "Reading and Summary Assignment" initiative, aimed at awakening a profound reading culture among the teachers. As the Chairman rightly stated, "You cannot give what you don't have." By cultivating a habit of reading, the teaching staff is better equipped to guide and inspire their students.

Acknowledging Excellence

The first edition of the Reading and Summary Assignment featured the book "Matilda" by Emmanuel Igba Ogbole. The results were outstanding, with Mr. Kwaghbo Elijah claiming the top prize for the best summary. Mr. Ayoo Emmanuel secured the second position, while Asawa Damian clinched the third prize. The Chairman's generosity extended to all participants, as they were each awarded a cash token of N1,000.

Gratitude Amid Challenges

Amid the challenging economic climate, the teachers at Unique Secondary School expressed profound gratitude towards Chairman Engr. Felix Atume and the proprietress for their exceptional kindness and unwavering support in enhancing the teachers' take-home packages. Chairman Engr. Felix Atume, addressing the gathering, voiced his deep concern regarding the adverse economic developments plaguing the country. He highlighted the burdensome high cost of fuel and the unfavorable exchange rate of the naira to the dollar, which have caused prices of essential commodities to soar in the market.

Recognizing the hardships faced by the teaching staff due to these economic challenges, the Chairman and the Proprietress made the compassionate decision to increase the take-home packages of the staff. This thoughtful initiative aims to alleviate the financial difficulties experienced by the teachers, ensuring that they can focus on their vital role in nurturing the next generation without undue financial stress.

The meeting at Unique Secondary School Makurdi not only set high academic goals for the upcoming session but also celebrated the spirit of intellectual curiosity through the Reading and Summary Assignment. Chairman Engr. Felix Atume's leadership and generosity continue to inspire excellence and a commitment to education, even in the face of economic challenges. Unique Secondary School Makurdi stands as a beacon of hope and innovation in the field of education, nurturing a culture of learning that transcends the ordinary.



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